Limited Liability Company "DRUZHBA AGRO-IF" is an agricultural enterprise in the Western region of Ukraine. Our activities cover almost the entire cycle of agricultural work, from documentary registration of land plots, their development and sowing to harvesting with the preparation of all necessary documents for the sale of finished products.

We cultivate 5,000 hectares of extremely fertile land in Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions using high-quality European fertilisers, the latest GPS tracking technology with the ability to control the process from a tablet and reliable machinery that ensures that each seed receives the best conditions for germination.

A responsible and professional team with vast experience, combined with a strong material base, is able to achieve any goals.

The quality of the harvested crop is confirmed by numerous certificates and laboratory tests and is able to compete not only in the domestic but also in foreign markets.

Our activities

Sales of products

Transport services

Land management

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Якісна продукція, яка користується попитом

Професійна команда, потужна та новітня техніка

Використання сучасних аграрних технологій

Поля на території Західного регіону України